Apply for Recruitment Support
Locum Support Service

NZLocums and NZMedJobs are medical recruitment teams that recruit general practitioners (family physicians) and nurse practitioners for rural and urban Aotearoa New Zealand.

We hold a contract with the New Zealand Government to provide recruitment service for doctors and practices throughout rural New Zealand.

We offer a wide choice of exciting fixed-term and permanent clinical roles and our team is here to guide you through the process.

We offer the following work opportunities:

  • Locum work, including long-term roving locum opportunities
  • Long-term placements
  • Permanent placements
Quality of Our Locums

Our team of experienced medical recruiters source New Zealand qualified and international medical graduates to work with us on contract.  We facilitate Medical Council registration requirements and arrange supervision for the locum if necessary.

Each locum candidate is fully reference checked and vetted by our service before being placed with a rural practice.  When an internationally qualified locum arrives in New Zealand for the first time they attend a CME accredited Orientation course run by us which covers many areas including ACC, Work and Income, Medtech32, cultural competence, the New Zealand health system and its funding streams.

Rural Locum Support Service

The practice will need to pay the locum and provide accommodation and a vehicle.  The locum is employed as a contractor through NZLocums & NZMedJobs.  As we are a not-for-profit organisation we pass on the cost of paying the locum at the same rate at which the locum is paid.

Please note that we do not charge the practice any recruitment fees or commission however we do charge a payroll administration fee.  Please contact one of our Relationship Managers to find out more.

We pride ourselves on our service, however due to fluctuations in supply and demand for locums, we may not always be able to provide a locum at the time you need them.  We will do our utmost to ensure we find a mutually suitable time so you can take your break.

Rural Recruitment Service

This scheme provides a national service for rural general practitioners for the following situations:

  • Recruitment for permanent positions
  • Bridging recruitment solutions for filling a gap until your new permanent general practitioner arrives.
  • Hotspot cover – where an unplanned or unresolved recruitment problem has arisen.

To ascertain your rural ranking eligibility you will need to contact your District Health Board for further information.

Apply for recruitment support