There are nine chapters that make up Hauora Taiwhenua. These chapters represent the array of rural health professionals and interests.
As a member of Hauora Taiwhenua, you will be invited to join one or more chapters depending on your profession and interests. Your primary chapter will be the one that best describes your profession, role or interest within the rural health sector. You are welcome to join additional chapters based on your interests or involvement.
Te Whare Taumata o Tākutatanga Taiwhenua is the nationally recognised and respected unified voice for Rural General Practice in the rural communities we care for.
Te Whare Taumata o te Matauranga Taiwhenua are the nationally respected advocate and voice of rural health and wellbeing research in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Te Whare Taumata O Nēhi Taiwhenua O Aotearoa bring an informed and united nurse perspective to the Hauora Taiwhenua Council.
Te Whare Taumata o te Matauranga Pūtaiao Hangarau are the nationally recognised and respected unified voice for rural allied health, scientific and technical imperatives.
Te Whare Taumata o Hapori Taiwhenua o Aotearoa aim to promote and encourage the active involvement of all organisations within a rural health and wellbeing focus.
Te Whare Taumata o Ngā Hōhipere Taiwhenua is the highly valued leader of the rural hospital sector in Aotearoa.
Whānau Whānui is the leading voice of rural Māori health for Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network.
Te Whare Taumata o ngā Kaiwhakawhānau me te Whare Kōhanga Taiwhenua aim to support and implement actions that promote, maintain and support sustainable access to rural midwifery and maternity services.
Te Whare Taumata o Ngā Tauira Taiwhenua O Aotearoa represents the future of rural health in Aotearoa.