
Te Whare Taumata o Whānau Whānui

Te Whare Taumata o Whānau Whānui

Whānau Whānui is the leading voice of rural Māori health for Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network.

About Us

Whānau Whānui works alongside the Hauora Taiwhenua Council, and across all Chapters, to acknowledge the unique place of Māori and Tangata Whenua O Aotearoa. 

We contribute an informed and highly valued rural Māori perspective to all of Hauora Taiwhenua’s work. 

Working alongside all Chapters, we hope to strengthen their relationships with iwi, Māori, Hapu and Whānau and support their understanding of issues that are impacting on Māori health outcomes.  

As an organisation, Hauora Taiwhenua will adopt the Tikanga Guide that was recently developed in partnership with Te Rōpū Arahi. Operationally- this translates into inhouse staff development, and guides tikanga practice across all levels of Hauora Taiwhenua activity. Our work will contribute to the development and implementation of both Government and Hauora Taiwhenua policies that support the education, training, and recruitment of the rural Māori health workforce. 

Executive Committee

Tania Kemp

Ko Taranaki toku maunga 

Ko Hangatahua toku awa 

Ko Kurahaupō toku waka 

Ko Ngā Māhanga ko Ngāti Tairi toku iwi 

Ko Poniho toku pa 

No Rangiauria o Wharekauri ahau 

Kei Timaru toku kainga inaianei 

Ko Gregory-Hunt toku whanau 

Ko Tania Kemp toku ingoa 

I was born and grew up on Pitt Island, in the Chatham Islands. I have a strong affiliation with Ngati Mutunga o Wharekauri as Wharekauri remains turangawaiwai to me and my whanau remain there.  

I am a Nurse Practitioner (Mātanga Tapuhi) and own the Pleasant Point Health Center. This was the first Nurse Practitioner owned and led General Practice in New Zealand. This is a Nurse Practitioner run Practice, with a commitment to growing our own. We have a constant flow of student nurses from undergrad to NP interns. 

I have spent 30 years in General Practice, mostly in rural and remote communities, including Pitt Island, Wharekauri, South Island West Coast and for the past 12 years in South Canterbury.  

I am the Deputy Chair of Te Aitarakihi Society Inc. A local Marae-a-iwi for Mata waka and all cultures within South Canterbury. Through this organisation I chair a Health and Well-being Committee, with the view of increasing health care for Māori in the region.  

I was on the RGPN board for 6 years until 2018. I also served on the Nursing Council New Zealand, for two terms, finishing in Feb this year.  I was asked to rejoin Te Rōpū Ārahi in the transitional phase of RGPN to Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health. I am a council member also. 

My drive is to influence policy and systems that enable genuine change and improvements to health outcomes for Māori, whanau, hapu and iwi in rural hapori whānui. 

Kamiria (Kim) Gosman

Kamira (Kim) Gosman (nee Pou) was born in Wellington and is of Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa and Ōtautahi descent.

Kim and her husband Jim have lived and served the communities of National Park, Waimarino and Turangi for 45 years, sharing five children, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Educated in Wellington and other small rural towns in NZ, Kim successfully completed her nursing education at Wellington Hospital, followed by a post-graduate certified programme in Operating Theatre Management.

Moving to Australia, Kim lived and worked for twelve years before returning home to complete her Maternity Nurse and Midwifery registrations.

In the nineties, Kim moved to Turangi, which led to her commitment to the health of Māori where she was invited by the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Kohanga Reo Tino Rangatiratanga Kaumatua to work as the Nurse for Tamariki and whānau. This wonderful role ultimately led to Kim being the inaugural CEO for Tūwharetoa Health Services for fifteen years.

Kim is privileged to have represented Ngāti Tuwharetoa as a member of the Iwi/Māori Iwi Council Waikato DHB. The Te Kohanga Kotahitanga Iwi Health Governance Board Iwi representative Lakes DHB and the Midland Iwi Relationship Board and the Taranaki, Waikato, Lakes, Bay of Plenty and Tairāwhiti District Health Boards.

A major success for Kim was the establishment of the DHB CEOs and MNIRB agreed working partnership.

Kim became a member of the NZ Rural General Practice Network and served on the Board for twelve years. She was instrumental in supporting the Network to form a partnership with Iwi/Māori.

Kim received the Peter Snow Memorial Award with Dr, Janne Bills in 2014 for services to rural communities.

In 2018, Kim received the Ministry of Health Volunteer of the Year Award for community services, and a further award for her contribution to Māori health.

Kim is now a retired Nurse and Midwife with experience in hospitals, general practices and education NZ and Australia, community health services urban and rural.

Kim is currently a Trustee of Pihanga Health Limited 2007, General Practice Turangi, Lake Taupō Hospice and Te Rōpū Ārahi Tiriti o Waitangi partner with Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network.

Other significant positions held: Foundation Tutor Parumoana Polytechnic later to become Whitireia, Examiner, Moderator and member of the review team approving questions for the State Final exams, and Culturally Safe Practice for the Nursing Council, Inaugural Vice Chair of the College of Nurses Aotearoa, foundation member and member of the Māori Caucus, International Congress of Nurses conference representative Israel, foundation member of the National Council of Māori Nurses.

Testimonials / Whakaaturanga

Tania Kemp (Gregory-Hunt) – Nga Mahanga o Ngati Tairi, Taranaki

Whainga: Grow the Māori rural nursing workforce, influence change to benefit our whanau wellbeing

I have been a member of the RGPN organization since 2009. In 2012 my colleague Sharon Hansen encouraged me to stand for a position on the board as the Sth Island representative. After which I was a board member for 6 years. I left the board in 2018, only because I had been appointed to the Nursing Council of New Zealand and was struggling with the time commitments. When I resigned from Nursing Council in February this year – I was asked to re-join Te Rōpu Arahi through the transition phase from NZRGPN to the new entity of Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network. I willingly agreed!

In some ways it felt like coming back into the fold of ode friends, however despite there being many familiar faces, the organization structure and size had changed significantly. Once I understood the structure and intentions of the organization, I found my feet again.

I am excited to see the union of so many of our rural colleagues in this new entity. Rural Midwives and Allied health colleagues that we have worked along side for many years, and watched the same struggles for them, all coming together to strengthen the voice for rural health, can only benefit both provider and community.

I am though MOST delighted to see Māori have a voice and a space in Hauora Taiwhenua. This allows room for Māori and whanau to engage with each other and share their experiences of rural health from whatever perspective they come. We are finally seeing a change from the Ministry, that has Māori in positions  and places (MHA) that influences, from the very top, the delivery of health services for Māori- and that WILL change health outcomes through mana motuhake and tino rangatirotanga

I look forward to being a part of an organisation that actively engages a Te Tiriti Partnership approach to all the mahi it does at all levels, Ministry through to individual Rural Practitioners and Hapori Whanui.

Whanau Whanui will be a whanau within this organization, and we will grow to support the Kaupapa of Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network.