Redesign of Rural Unplanned and Urgent Care Services.
  • Dan Spearing, System Design Manager, Integrated Rural Health, Te Whatu Ora, is leading this project.
  • A RUUC Advisory Group is being established through a combination of direct appointments, and an Expression of Interest process that was led by HTRHN. Marie is the HTRHN staff member on the Advisory Group that will have its first half day workshop in early July.
  • Te Whatu Ora project summary is attached. The Project timelines are:
  • From May 2024 we expect to:
    • better understand how rural unplanned urgent care is currently operating across the country
    • identify service viability challenges for PRIME providers
  • From October 2024 we expect to:
    • identify proposed models and assess our future options to improve rural unplanned urgent care
    • finalise discussion document for consultation.
  • By February 2025 we expect to:
    • final decision document on the future rural unplanned urgent care model.


To read the full project brief, click here:

–> Rural Unplanned Urgent Care (RUUC) Programme Brief <–

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