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We are pleased to announce the new Hauora Taiwhenua Board that was voted on during the AGM on the evening of December 4th. 

Fiona Bolden was reappointed for a further 2-year term as Chair, which is a testament to the energy Fiona has put into the role to bring Hauora Taiwhenua into existence as a collective and establish the organisation as a key influencer in rural health advocacy. Her commitment to rural communities is unwavering and grounded in her work as a rural GP working most recently on the Coromandel. 

New Board members Angela Blunt from Kaikoura Health and Bill Eschenbach from Waitaha PHO join returning Board Members Mark Eager of Mobile Health based in Christchurch and Debi Lawry who alternates between a Tauranga and Wanaka base. These members are well-known to the sector.

They are joined by two appointments from our Te Tiriti partner, Te Rōpū Ārahi: Peter Jackson (Te Atiawa, Taranaki Iwi) is a businessman and cultural advisor based in Te Whanganui a Tara Wellington and Margareth Broodkorn (Ngapuhi) currently CEO of Hokianga Health. Peter is also taking on the role of Kaumātua for Hauora Taiwhenua with Rev. Bill Nathan stepping down from the role after a long and committed tenure.

We also acknowledge the new membership of Te Rōpū Ārahi, our Te Tiriti Partner.  After long-serving founding members Kim Gosman and Rev. Bill Nathan stood down, the group are reconfigured with the strong membership outlined above. 

Once again, we take this time to thank the past members of the Board and Te Rōpū Ārahi who have given enormous service and are not continuing. This includes Ray Anton, Bill Nathan, Wilson Mitchell, Rhoena Davis and Kim Gosman. Their commitment, vision and energy have positioned Hauora Taiwhenua to be able to continue to move forward to make a real difference in the wellbeing of rural New Zealanders.