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With the National Rural Health Conference fast approaching, the Research & Education Chapter of Hauora Taiwhenua are calling for nominations and applications for the inaugural round of the Emerging Rural Researcher and Educator Awards. The awards recognise Hauora Taiwhenua members who are positively impacting rural communities, rural health systems and/or rural workforces.

The winner of the Emerging Researcher Award will receive a 12-month membership to Research Accelerator, valued at NZD$479. Research Accelerator is a community of practice for qualitative and mixed methods researchers. Members are primarily doctoral candidates and early career researchers and are cross-disciplinary from a range of universities, government departments and NGOs. The community meets regularly for daily virtual co-working sessions, quarterly retreats, monthly live Q&A and an annual conference. In addition to the live sessions offered, there is an extensive course library with over 120 hours of video content, covering qualitative data analysis, statistics, research writing, NVivo, SPSS, research productivity tools, and more. Full details of the membership can be viewed at:

The winner of the Emerging Educator Award will be supported in their professional development through a tailored prize that could include mentorship or attendance at a suitable event.

To apply for the award(s) please download the application form(s) below.

Candidates wishing to be considered must be members of Hauora Taiwhenua, and can self-apply or be nominated.

Applications are to be submitted by email to by no later than Friday 8 March 2024.

The winner will be announced at the National Rural Health Conference 2024.


Application Forms

Hauora Taiwhenua Emerging Rural Researcher Award Application

Hauora Taiwhenua Emerging Rural Educator Award Application