Please find the link below for Hauora Taiwhenua’s submission for to ACC on changes to ACC regulations for Chinese Medicine, Paramedics and Audiometrists.
Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission on changes to ACC regulations for Chinese Medicine, Paramedics and Audiometrists. Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network has a vision of healthy and thriving rural communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. We strongly support the proposed changes as they will contribute to achieving this vision.
The need for clinical services is unprecedented, with a growing older population with more complex health needs and an existing workforce which is struggling to cope currently, and certainly cannot in the future. These needs are exacerbated in rural communities where the immense pressure placed on the rural health workforce to meet that need is well-documented.
The development of the clinical workforce beyond traditional General Practice models into comprehensive rural primary care teams empowered to work to a full and varied scope of practice is critical to achieving this. Many rural health services have already welcomed extended care paramedics into their comprehensive teams and enable them to work across pre-hospital and primary care services. Unfortunately, while they are a highly valued member of the clinical team, the potential of this has been severely constrained by regulations that do not reflect these contemporary and increasingly well evidenced clinical service developments.
The proposed changes to ACC regulations are a sound and progressive solution to addressing this issue and enable these highly valued clinicians to work effectively and be appropriately renumerated for their work.
To read the full submisison, find click the link here: Submission: ACC Changes from HTRHN