Tēnā koutou ngā tauira o te hauora taiwhenua o Aotearoa,
E mihi ana ki a koutou, ngā kanohi hou, ngā ringa rau o āpōpō, e whakapau kaha ana ki te manaaki i ngā hapori maha o te motu. Ko koutou ngā kaiarataki mō ngā whānau e noho ana ki ngā rohe taiwhenua, e whai ana i te tika me te ora mō te katoa.
Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui i roto i ā koutou mahi ako me ngā mahi hauora. He mahi whakahirahira kei mua i a koutou, ā, kei konei mātou katoa hei tautoko i a koutou.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou mō tō koutou ngākau nui ki te mahi tahi, te mahi pono, me te mahi aroha mō ngā whānau me ngā hapori o Aotearoa.
Ko Angel Loren Harbers tōku ingoa, engari ka kīia hoki ahau ko Anahera Chan.
I was born in Caboolture, Australia, while my three younger sisters were born in Te Tai Tokerau, Aotearoa (New Zealand). E noho ana ahau ki Tāmaki Makaurau, engari ko Houhora tōku kainga.
Tēnei te taha o tōku koro
Ko Puhangatohora te maunga
Ko Tāheke te awa
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Hokianga te moana
Ko Rāhiri te rangatira
Ko Ngāti Pākau te hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
Tēnei te taha o tōku kuia
Ko Maunga Piko te maunga
Ko Kurahaupō te waka
Ko Pohurihanga te tangata
Ko Pārengarenga te wahapū
Ko Waitiki te awa
Ko Mareitu te urupā
Ko Te Hāpua te kāinga
Ko Te Hiku o Te Ika te marae
Ko Ngāti Kurī te iwi
I am currently in my fourth year of the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Auckland. I recently completed my Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours), focusing on Student Experiences of Rural Health Interprofessional Education Programmes: A Photovoice Study. In 2022, I published a paper examining the barriers to accessing diabetes eye screening in rural communities. I am now conducting research, supported by the Auckland Radiology Group, on the challenges of accessing radiological services in Hamilton and Whangārei.
In addition to my academic work, I am currently developing a healthcare start-up aimed at addressing barriers to accessing healthcare in rural areas. This initiative aligns closely with my passion for improving rural, Indigenous, and women’s health outcomes, which are deeply tied to systemic injustices and power imbalances.
I am incredibly excited about joining the SoRHA Exec Committee as Māori Co-chair. This role is an opportunity to advocate for culturally safe healthcare, elevate Māori voices, and help address the systemic inequities faced by rural communities. I look forward to working alongside a passionate team to create meaningful, community-driven solutions.
Ngā manaakitanga ngā mihi nui,
Angel Loren Harbers (Anahera Chan)