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Current Activities

Hauora Taiwhenua have developed a rural health plan and this document has heavily influenced the development of Te Whatu Ora’s soon to be released Rural Health Plan.

Some of our early endeavours have been establishing connections between the various Taumata/Chapters within Hauora Taiwhenua particularly Whānau Whānui and the Rural Health Research and Education Taumata. Plans are in place to meet together with this chapter as well as with the Rural Chapter of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners at two scheduled meetings during the upcoming National Rural Health Conference.

A number of interested rural colleague’s have been contributing to a broad discussion on the telehealth initiative the Minister recently announced as a tool to assist the pressures on our rural workforce.  Hauora Taiwhenua is actively engaged in the steering group that is building the concepts for this implementation and our steering group member Jo Scott-Jones sits on committee as well.

Hauora Taiwhenua has worked alongside many other strong rural voices to ensure rural populations were included as a priority group within the Pae Ora Legislation which was a significant win for equity in outcomes in rural. Alongside this advocacy and with the inclusion in Pae Ora  legislation for a formalised rural Health Plan, Hauora Taiwhenua have provided a draft rural workforce plan for the Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Wai Ora to consider. There are some key deliverables and solution focused recommendations apparent within the document.