
Recruitment | Ko Te Rehita

International Doctors and Nurses

From around the world to NZ: Doctors share their stories

What you need to know

Unlike other recruitment agencies, we are a not-for-profit service with expertise in both rural and urban recruitment.

We work with general practitioners, family physicians, and nurse practitioners looking for work throughout New Zealand. 

We offer our support throughout the entire recruitment process, even if you have already begun the recruitment process.

As a division of Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network, a collective organisation to advocate for the health and wellbeing of all rural communities in New Zealand, we are surrounded by health professionals who live and breathe rural health and rural New Zealand.

Join our Orientation

Our orientation course is the first step into the New Zealand health system for international doctors.

To hear more or make a booking:
Send us mail

PO Box 547
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Become a Member

We offer complimentary membership to our doctors and nurse practitioners.

To hear more about membership: +64 4 472 3901