
Womens Health Strategy Submisson

17 March 2023

Womens Health Strategy Submisson

Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network is a membership organization that represents the interests of the
interprofessional teams that provide health and wellbeing services across rural Aotearoa New Zealand.
We have over 1800 members across the 194 rural general practices, 24 rural hospitals, community based
midwifery and allied health services, and numerous rural community and agribusiness organisations. Our
members are organised into nine Chapters of special interest, who have worked together to ensure a rural lens
is cast across the development of the Women’s Health Strategy.

Our vision for the rural women of Aotearoa New Zealand

Rural women enjoy a vibrant and healthy life, regardless of their age, ethnicity, or where they live.

Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network calls for the Women’s Health Strategy to set a bold path that
reimagines and supports innovative approaches, and targets resources towards achieving equitable access to
the health services that women who live in rural areas need.

Click below to read full submission.

→  HTRHN Womens Health Strategy Submission 17 March 2023  ←